set cut_paste_input [stack 0] version 11.3 v4 push $cut_paste_input Group { name H_AutoFlare1 tile_color 0xe272d6ff note_font_size 30 selected true xpos -440 ypos 36 addUserKnob {20 User} addUserKnob {7 PreGain R 1 30} PreGain 10 addUserKnob {7 Gloabalmix l "Gloable Multiply" R 0 5} Gloabalmix 1 addUserKnob {41 gain_10 l Vignette T ColorCorrect31.gain} addUserKnob {20 Key n 1} Key 0 addUserKnob {6 KeyPreview +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 range T Keyer6.range} addUserKnob {20 endGroup_2 l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {20 ColorBlend n 1} ColorBlend 0 addUserKnob {41 which l "Blend Hue" T ColorBlender4.which} addUserKnob {41 which_1 l "Blend Saturation" T ColorBlender4.which_1} addUserKnob {41 which_2 l "Blend Luminance" T ColorBlender4.which_2} addUserKnob {20 endGroup_1 l endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {6 onlysee l "isolate this element" -STARTLINE} addUserKnob {4 isolate l "" -STARTLINE M {Glint Mirror Ghost1 Horizontal "Horizontal Mirror" Ring1 Ring2 Circle1 Circle2 Texure "" ""}} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {20 Elements n 1} addUserKnob {26 Glint l "" +STARTLINE T Glint} addUserKnob {6 disable_glint l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain T ColorCorrect30.gain} addUserKnob {41 repeat l "no. of rays" T Glint2.repeat} addUserKnob {41 length T Glint2.length} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Mirror1 l "" +STARTLINE T Mirror1} addUserKnob {6 disable_mirror1 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_1 l gain T ColorCorrect29.gain} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Ghost1 l "" +STARTLINE T Ghost1} addUserKnob {6 disable_ghost1 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_2 l gain T ColorCorrect28.gain} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Horizontal l "" +STARTLINE T Horizontal} addUserKnob {6 disable_horizontal l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_3 l gain T ColorCorrect27.gain} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 HorizontalMirror l "" +STARTLINE T "Horizontal Mirror"} addUserKnob {6 disable_horizontalMirror l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_4 l gain T ColorCorrect26.gain} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Ring1 l "" +STARTLINE T Ring1} addUserKnob {6 disable_ring1 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_5 l gain T ColorCorrect25.gain} addUserKnob {7 scale1 l scale R 0 10} scale1 1 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Ring2 l "" +STARTLINE T Ring2} addUserKnob {6 disable_ring2 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_6 l gain T ColorCorrect8.gain} addUserKnob {7 scale2 l scale R 0 10} scale2 1 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Cirle1 l "" +STARTLINE T Cirle1} addUserKnob {6 disable_circle1 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_7 l gain T ColorCorrect55.gain} addUserKnob {7 Circle1scale l scale R 0 10} Circle1scale 3 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Circle2 l "" +STARTLINE T Circle2} addUserKnob {6 disable_circle2 l disable +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 gain_8 l gain T ColorCorrect59.gain} addUserKnob {7 Circle2scale l scale R 0 10} Circle2scale 4.25 addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 Texure l "" +STARTLINE T Texure} addUserKnob {6 disable_texture l disable +STARTLINE} disable_texture true addUserKnob {41 size l "Blur size" T Blur17.size} addUserKnob {41 saturation T ColorCorrect19.saturation} addUserKnob {41 gamma T ColorCorrect19.gamma} addUserKnob {41 gain_9 l gain T ColorCorrect19.gain} addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {26 about l "" +STARTLINE T "by han cao\\\nshoot me ideas and bugs.Enjoy!"} } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode10 tile_color 0x8f8478ff label "Mirror 1" note_font_size 100 xpos -42 ypos 260 bdwidth 883 bdheight 547 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode11 tile_color 0x896e79ff label "Horizontal mirror" note_font_size 100 xpos -36 ypos 1682 bdwidth 889 bdheight 354 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode12 tile_color 0x7a8b76ff label ring1 note_font_size 100 xpos -33 ypos 2067 bdwidth 882 bdheight 594 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode13 tile_color 0x778f90ff label Texure note_font_size 100 xpos -21 ypos 4668 bdwidth 844 bdheight 371 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode14 tile_color 0x938096ff label ring2 note_font_size 100 xpos -33 ypos 2682 bdwidth 893 bdheight 627 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode15 tile_color 0x967f77ff label Ghost1 note_font_size 100 xpos -33 ypos 847 bdwidth 871 bdheight 428 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode20 tile_color 0x7171c600 label Circle1 note_font_size 100 xpos -36 ypos 3409 bdwidth 869 bdheight 564 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode21 tile_color 0x7171c600 label Circle2 note_font_size 100 xpos -34 ypos 4087 bdwidth 869 bdheight 564 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode7 tile_color 0x958a6eff label Glint note_font_size 100 xpos -40 ypos -108 bdwidth 870 bdheight 341 z_order 1 } BackdropNode { inputs 0 name BackdropNode9 tile_color 0x938880ff label Horizontal note_font_size 100 xpos -38 ypos 1340 bdwidth 868 bdheight 301 z_order 1 } Input { inputs 0 name Source xpos 25 ypos -562 } Grade { white {{parent.PreGain}} black_clamp false name Grade1 xpos 25 ypos -413 } Shuffle { alpha white name Shuffle11 label "\[value in]" xpos 25 ypos -387 } Dot { name Dot48 xpos 59 ypos -349 } set Nac91ff0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot49 xpos -51 ypos -349 } Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {0.2425191283 4.265574102 100 100} name Keyer6 xpos -85 ypos -317 } set Ncdb0f60 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot77 xpos -51 ypos -250 } push 0 push $Ncdb0f60 push $Nac91ff0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Merge16 xpos 25 ypos -312 } Group { inputs 3 name ColorBlender4 tile_color 0xb75f1bff xpos 25 ypos -254 addUserKnob {20 ColorBlender} addUserKnob {6 ConstantSwitch l "Use a constant?" +STARTLINE} addUserKnob {41 color T Constant1.color} addUserKnob {20 endGroup n -1} addUserKnob {26 ""} addUserKnob {41 which l "Blend Hue" T hue_disolve.which} addUserKnob {41 which_1 l "Blend Saturation" T sat_dissolve.which} addUserKnob {41 which_2 l "Blend Luminance" T Luma_dissolve.which} addUserKnob {41 SourceBlur l "Source Blur" T Color_Blur.size} addUserKnob {41 unmultpremult l "Turn off unmult/premult" T Unpremult1.disable} } Input { inputs 0 name InputMask label mask xpos 70 ypos 561 number 1 } Invert { name Invert1 xpos 70 ypos 657 } Dot { name Dot1 xpos 104 ypos 762 } Input { inputs 0 name FG label "Input B" xpos -150 ypos -111 } set Nce18f60 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -116 ypos 522 } set Nce1da80 [stack 0] push $Nce1da80 Constant { inputs 0 color {0.01340317726 0.007903251797 0.006480107084 1.673614264} name Constant1 xpos -810 ypos 15 } Input { inputs 0 name BG label FG xpos -590 ypos -184 number 2 } Blur { size 200 name Color_Blur xpos -590 ypos -82 } Crop { box {0 0 {BG.width} {BG.height}} crop false name Crop1 xpos -583 ypos -16 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.ConstantSwitch i}} name Switch1 xpos -590 ypos 39 } Colorspace { colorspace_out HSV name Colorspace3 xpos -590 ypos 88 } set Nce52210 [stack 0] push $Nce18f60 Unpremult { name Unpremult1 xpos -260 ypos 15 } Colorspace { colorspace_out HSV name Colorspace1 xpos -260 ypos 79 } set Nce73db0 [stack 0] push $Nce52210 push $Nce73db0 Dissolve { inputs 2 channels rgba name sat_dissolve xpos -480 ypos 153 } push $Nce52210 push $Nce73db0 Dissolve { inputs 2 channels rgba name Luma_dissolve xpos -370 ypos 159 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 green green name ShuffleCopy3 xpos -399 ypos 227 } ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red red name ShuffleCopy6 xpos -260 ypos 303 } set Nceb3880 [stack 0] ShuffleCopy { inputs 2 red red name ShuffleCopy5 xpos -590 ypos 303 } Colorspace { colorspace_in HSV name Colorspace4 xpos -590 ypos 351 } push $Nceb3880 Colorspace { colorspace_in HSV name Colorspace2 xpos -260 ypos 351 } Dissolve { inputs 2 channels rgba name hue_disolve xpos -480 ypos 423 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 rgba.alpha to0 rgba.alpha name Copy1 xpos -480 ypos 513 } Premult { name Premult1 xpos -480 ypos 591 disable {{parent.Unpremult1.disable.main}} } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -446 ypos 762 } Keymix { inputs 3 name Keymix1 xpos -150 ypos 753 } Output { name Output1 xpos -150 ypos 951 } push $Nce52210 Viewer { frame_range 1000-1045 fps 23.97602463 input_process false name Viewer1 xpos -260 ypos 927 } end_group Crop { box {0 0 {input.width} {input.height}} name Crop4 xpos 25 ypos -228 } Dot { name Dot17 xpos 59 ypos -155 } set Ncf67590 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 xpos 1758 ypos -155 } Dot { name Dot15 xpos 1758 ypos 5345 } push $Ncf67590 Dot { name Dot50 xpos 59 ypos 4 } set Ncf75990 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot52 xpos 59 ypos 401 } set Ncf7a6e0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot53 xpos 59 ypos 452 } set Ncf7f270 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot26 xpos 60 ypos 936 } set Ncf83e00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot34 xpos 59 ypos 1031 } set Ncf88990 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot33 xpos 59 ypos 1102 } set Ncf8d490 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot51 xpos 59 ypos 1484 } set Ncf920c0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot27 xpos 59 ypos 1826 } set Ncf96c50 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot28 xpos 59 ypos 2136 } set Ncf9b7e0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 58 ypos 2400 } set Ncfa0370 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot31 xpos 58 ypos 2721 } set Ncfa50a0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot145 xpos 58 ypos 3519 } set Ncfa9ba0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot155 xpos 58 ypos 4141 } set Ncfae6a0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot29 xpos 58 ypos 4942 } Blur { size 450 name Blur17 xpos 412 ypos 4932 disable {{"\[value disable_texture]"}} } Input { inputs 0 name texure xpos 554 ypos 4844 number 2 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge17 xpos 554 ypos 4938 disable {{"\[value disable_texture]"}} } ColorCorrect { saturation 0.96 gamma 1.02 gain 11 name ColorCorrect19 xpos 554 ypos 4962 disable {{"\[value disable_texture]"}} } Dot { name Dot56 xpos 588 ypos 4990 } set Ncff4730 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot12 xpos 992 ypos 5024 } push $Ncfae6a0 Dot { name Dot156 xpos 304 ypos 4141 } ColorCorrect { gain 10 name ColorCorrect10 xpos 270 ypos 4159 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain {{Circle2scale}} name ColorCorrect7 xpos 270 ypos 4198 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Transform { scale -1.6 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform10 xpos 270 ypos 4236 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Transform { scale 1.3 center {960 540} shutteroffset centred name Transform18 xpos 270 ypos 4262 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Blur { size {{width*.36}} name Blur2 xpos 270 ypos 4301 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } set Nd052140 [stack 0] Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {1.540592409 1.540592409 4 4} name Keyer8 xpos 168 ypos 4301 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Dot { name Dot157 xpos 127 ypos 4311 } Dot { name Dot158 xpos 127 ypos 4374 } set Nd06ef90 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot159 xpos 127 ypos 4424 } Erode { size 23 name Erode2 xpos 165 ypos 4414 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Blur { size 40 name Blur40 xpos 165 ypos 4452 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } push $Nd06ef90 Blur { size 10 name Blur41 xpos 160 ypos 4364 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } push $Nd052140 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Mask13 xpos 270 ypos 4370 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } ColorCorrect { inputs 1+1 gain 0.01 name ColorCorrect57 xpos 270 ypos 4457 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect59 xpos 270 ypos 4481 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Transform { scale 2 center {960 540} shutteroffset centred name Transform17 xpos 270 ypos 4510 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Dot { name Dot160 xpos 304 ypos 4556 } set Nd0f1fd0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot11 xpos 976 ypos 4708 } push $Ncfa9ba0 Dot { name Dot146 xpos 302 ypos 3498 } ColorCorrect { gain 10 name ColorCorrect9 xpos 268 ypos 3516 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain {{Circle1scale}} name ColorCorrect6 xpos 268 ypos 3562 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Transform { scale -1.6 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform7 xpos 268 ypos 3597 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Blur { size {{width*.36}} name Blur35 xpos 268 ypos 3623 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } set Nd140fa0 [stack 0] Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {1.540592409 1.540592409 4 4} name Keyer7 xpos 166 ypos 3623 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Dot { name Dot153 xpos 125 ypos 3633 } Dot { name Dot150 xpos 125 ypos 3696 } set Nd15de30 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot152 xpos 125 ypos 3746 } Erode { size 23 name Erode1 xpos 163 ypos 3736 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Blur { size 40 name Blur36 xpos 163 ypos 3774 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } push $Nd15de30 Blur { size 10 name Blur34 xpos 158 ypos 3687 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } push $Nd140fa0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Mask12 xpos 268 ypos 3692 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } ColorCorrect { inputs 1+1 gain 0.04 name ColorCorrect56 xpos 268 ypos 3780 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect55 xpos 268 ypos 3804 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Dot { name Dot154 xpos 302 ypos 3878 } set Nd1d21d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot10 xpos 1038 ypos 3972 } Radial { inputs 0 invert true area {0 {-root.format.width/2+root.format.height/2} {root.format.width x64 1920} {root.format.height/2+root.format.width/2 x64 1920}} name Radial1 xpos 444 ypos 3107 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Grade { channels rgba gamma 0.37 name Grade10 xpos 444 ypos 3133 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Noise { inputs 0 size 5 gain 0.86 gamma 0.2 center {960 540} name Noise2 xpos 411 ypos 2980 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } push $Ncfa50a0 ColorCorrect { gain {{parent.scale2}} name ColorCorrect52 xpos 280 ypos 2721 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Dot { name Dot30 xpos 437 ypos 2721 } Transform { scale -1.6 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform12 xpos 403 ypos 2739 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Blur { size {{format.width/2}} name Blur23 xpos 403 ypos 2763 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Dot { name Dot32 xpos 437 ypos 2796 } set Nd24afd0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot35 xpos 437 ypos 2898 } push $Nd24afd0 ColorCorrect { gain 100 name ColorCorrect20 xpos 554 ypos 2796 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {0.2450001263 0.3397893992 0.3666637206 0.5020327769} name Keyer2 xpos 554 ypos 2811 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha name FloodAlpha1 tile_color 0x80807fff label "\[value in]" xpos 554 ypos 2851 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge18 xpos 554 ypos 2901 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } ColorCorrect { saturation 0.18 gain 40 name ColorCorrect21 xpos 554 ypos 2919 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Blur { size 200 name Blur18 xpos 554 ypos 2943 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Mask10 xpos 554 ypos 2979 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } DirBlurWrapper { BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength {{-parent.DirBlurWrapper7.BlurLength}} name DirBlurWrapper6 xpos 554 ypos 3006 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } DirBlurWrapper { BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength 50 name DirBlurWrapper7 xpos 554 ypos 3045 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Group { name Abberation1 note_font Verdana xpos 554 ypos 3113 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} mapsize {0.15 0.15} addUserKnob {20 Abberation} addUserKnob {7 radial_scale R 0 2} radial_scale 1 addUserKnob {7 red_scale R 1 1.25} red_scale 1.03 addUserKnob {7 green_scale R 1 1.25} green_scale 1.01 addUserKnob {7 blue_scale R 1 1.25} blue_scale 1 addUserKnob {7 radial_blur R 0 10} radial_blur 2 } Radial { inputs 0 invert true area {0 0 {root.format.width} {root.format.height}} name Radial2 xpos 197 ypos -392 } Transform { scale {{radial_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform105 xpos 197 ypos -342 } set Nd30c690 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 231 ypos -316 } set Nd31ac40 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot18 xpos 231 ypos -102 } push $Nd31ac40 Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos 523 ypos -405 } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddChannels1 xpos 523 ypos -367 } Dot { name Dot17 xpos 557 ypos -326 } set Nd332970 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos 332 ypos -326 } Dot { name Dot14 xpos 332 ypos -267 } set Nd33c0a0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot15 xpos 332 ypos -208 } set Nd340cc0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 xpos 332 ypos -155 } Group { inputs 2 name ITransform2 xpos 399 ypos -158 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nd369710 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nd3803e0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nd3803e0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nd3b3690 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nd369710 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Nd3cd000 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nd3b3690 push $Nd3cd000 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{blue_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd31ac40 push $Nd340cc0 Group { inputs 2 name ITransform1 xpos 398 ypos -211 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nd459190 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nd46ea50 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nd46ea50 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nd4a1d00 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nd459190 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Nd4bb710 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nd4a1d00 push $Nd4bb710 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{green_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd31ac40 push $Nd33c0a0 Group { inputs 2 name ITransform xpos 402 ypos -270 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nd546a80 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nd55c340 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nd55c340 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nd58f600 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nd546a80 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Nd5a9000 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nd58f600 push $Nd5a9000 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{red_scale}} center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd332970 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name red_copy xpos 523 ypos -276 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name green_copy xpos 523 ypos -217 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name blue_copy xpos 523 ypos -164 } DirBlurWrapper { inputs 1+1 BlurLayer rgba BlurCenter {{root.format.width/2} {root.format.height/2}} BlurLength {{radial_blur}} name DirBlurWrapper1 xpos 523 ypos -111 } Output { name Output1 xpos 523 ypos -36 } push $Nd30c690 Viewer { frame_range 1-64 name Viewer1 xpos 307 ypos -316 } end_group Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Stencil2 xpos 554 ypos 3133 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 100 name ColorCorrect2 xpos 554 ypos 3159 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } ColorCorrect { name ColorCorrect8 xpos 554 ypos 3185 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Dot { name Dot36 xpos 588 ypos 3239 } set Nd6b7310 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot9 xpos 1024 ypos 3263 } push $Ncfa0370 Dot { name Dot13 xpos 287 ypos 2400 } ColorCorrect { channels all gain 0 name ColorCorrect11 xpos 253 ypos 2428 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } set Nd6c5560 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot14 xpos 287 ypos 2538 } Radial { invert true area {0 {-root.format.width/2+root.format.height/2} {root.format.width x64 1920} {root.format.height/2+root.format.width/2 x64 1920}} name Radial2 xpos 443 ypos 2534 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Grade { channels rgba gamma 0.37 name Grade11 xpos 443 ypos 2560 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } push $Nd6c5560 Noise { size 5 gain 0.86 gamma 0.2 center {960 540} name Noise1 xpos 449 ypos 2434 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } push $Ncf9b7e0 Dot { name Dot37 xpos 437 ypos 2136 } Transform { scale -0.6 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform11 xpos 403 ypos 2154 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Blur { size {{format.width*.3}} name Blur22 xpos 403 ypos 2180 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain {{parent.scale1}} name ColorCorrect4 xpos 403 ypos 2214 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Dot { name Dot38 xpos 436 ypos 2234 } set Nd751720 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot39 xpos 436 ypos 2348 } push $Nd751720 ColorCorrect { gain 100 name ColorCorrect23 xpos 553 ypos 2230 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Keyer { operation "luminance key" range {0.1845976112 0.2918171258 0.3253011288 0.4105009974} name Keyer3 xpos 553 ypos 2268 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha name FloodAlpha tile_color 0x80807fff label "\[value in]" xpos 553 ypos 2306 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge19 xpos 553 ypos 2344 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } ColorCorrect { saturation 0.28 gain 40 name ColorCorrect24 xpos 553 ypos 2368 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Blur { size 51 name Blur6 xpos 553 ypos 2396 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Mask9 xpos 553 ypos 2434 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } DirBlurWrapper { BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength {{-parent.DirBlurWrapper2.BlurLength}} name DirBlurWrapper1 xpos 553 ypos 2460 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } DirBlurWrapper { BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength 50 name DirBlurWrapper2 xpos 553 ypos 2498 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Group { name Abberation note_font Verdana xpos 553 ypos 2536 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} mapsize {0.15 0.15} addUserKnob {20 Abberation} addUserKnob {7 radial_scale R 0 2} radial_scale 1 addUserKnob {7 red_scale R 1 1.25} red_scale 1.1 addUserKnob {7 green_scale R 1 1.25} green_scale 1.04 addUserKnob {7 blue_scale R 1 1.25} blue_scale 1 addUserKnob {7 radial_blur R 0 10} radial_blur 2 } Radial { inputs 0 invert true area {0 0 {root.format.width} {root.format.height}} name Radial2 xpos 197 ypos -392 } Transform { scale {{radial_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform105 xpos 197 ypos -342 } set Nd80e200 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos 231 ypos -316 } set Nd81c7b0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot18 xpos 231 ypos -102 } push $Nd81c7b0 Input { inputs 0 name Input1 xpos 523 ypos -405 } AddChannels { channels rgba name AddChannels1 xpos 523 ypos -367 } Dot { name Dot17 xpos 557 ypos -326 } set Nd8341c0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot13 xpos 332 ypos -326 } Dot { name Dot14 xpos 332 ypos -267 } set Nd83d8f0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot15 xpos 332 ypos -208 } set Nd842510 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot16 xpos 332 ypos -155 } Group { inputs 2 name ITransform2 xpos 399 ypos -158 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nd86af50 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nd880810 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nd880810 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nd8b3ad0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nd86af50 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Nd8cd4d0 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nd8b3ad0 push $Nd8cd4d0 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{blue_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd81c7b0 push $Nd842510 Group { inputs 2 name ITransform1 xpos 398 ypos -211 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nd958830 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nd96e0f0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nd96e0f0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nd9a13a0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nd958830 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Nd9bad10 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nd9a13a0 push $Nd9bad10 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{green_scale}} center {{} {}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd81c7b0 push $Nd83d8f0 Group { inputs 2 name ITransform xpos 402 ypos -270 addUserKnob {20 "" l Transform} addUserKnob {41 matrix T Transform1.matrix} addUserKnob {41 translate T Transform1.translate} addUserKnob {41 rotate T Transform1.rotate} addUserKnob {41 scale T Transform1.scale} addUserKnob {41 skew +INVISIBLE T Transform1.skew} addUserKnob {41 center T} addUserKnob {41 filter T Transform1.filter} addUserKnob {41 clamp T Transform1.clamp} addUserKnob {41 crop l "black outside" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.crop} addUserKnob {41 clip l "knob crop \$value" +INVISIBLE T Transform1.clip} addUserKnob {6 cropResult l "crop result" -STARTLINE} cropResult true addUserKnob {14 AdjBBox1_numpixels l "Add Pixels" R 0 100} AdjBBox1_numpixels 100 } Input { inputs 0 name ctrlMask xpos -40 ypos -68 number 1 } Shuffle { red alpha green alpha blue alpha alpha black name Shuffle1 xpos -40 ypos -24 } Input { inputs 0 name img xpos -385 ypos -236 } set Nda46110 [stack 0] Remove { name Remove1 xpos -210 ypos -232 } AdjBBox { numpixels {{parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.w i} {parent.AdjBBox1_numpixels.h i}} name AdjBBox1 xpos -210 ypos -192 } Expression { expr0 x expr1 y name Expression1 xpos -210 ypos -140 } set Nda5b9d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot2 xpos -286 ypos -136 } Transform { translate {{parent.Transform1.translate} {parent.Transform1.translate}} rotate {{parent.Transform1.rotate}} scale {{parent.Transform1.scale.w} {parent.Transform1.scale.h}} skewX {{parent.Transform1.skew}} center {{} {}} filter {{Transform1.filter}} clamp {{parent.Transform1.clamp}} black_outside {{parent.Transform1.black_outside}} motionblur {{parent.Transform1.motionblur}} shutter {{parent.Transform1.shutter}} shutteroffset {{Transform1.shutteroffset}} shuttercustomoffset {{parent.Transform1.shuttercustomoffset}} name Transform2 xpos -320 ypos -72 } push $Nda5b9d0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus name Merge1 xpos -210 ypos -72 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation multiply name Merge2 xpos -210 ypos -24 } set Nda8ec80 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot1 xpos -270 ypos -21 } Dot { name Dot3 xpos -270 ypos 138 } push $Nda46110 Dot { name Dot4 xpos -351 ypos 48 } set Ndaa8690 [stack 0] Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 from1 to1 name Copy2 xpos -385 ypos 123 } IDistort { channels none name IDistort1 xpos -385 ypos 182 } push $Nda8ec80 push $Ndaa8690 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 forward.u from1 to1 forward.v name Copy1 xpos -210 ypos 30 } IDistort { uv forward name IDistort2 xpos -210 ypos 86 } Remove { channels none name Remove2 xpos -210 ypos 124 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 -rgba.alpha to0 -rgba.alpha name Copy3 xpos -210 ypos 182 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width i} {input.height i}} name Crop1 xpos -210 ypos 245 disable {{!parent.cropResult i}} } Output { name Output1 xpos -210 ypos 299 } Transform { inputs 0 scale {{red_scale}} center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} black_outside false name Transform1 label "expresison link this\nto avoid st map overlay" xpos -52 ypos -189 } end_group push $Nd8341c0 Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name red_copy xpos 523 ypos -276 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name green_copy xpos 523 ypos -217 } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name blue_copy xpos 523 ypos -164 } DirBlurWrapper { inputs 1+1 BlurLayer rgba BlurCenter {{root.format.width/2} {root.format.height/2}} BlurLength {{radial_blur}} name DirBlurWrapper1 xpos 523 ypos -111 } Output { name Output1 xpos 523 ypos -36 } push $Nd80e200 Viewer { frame_range 1-64 name Viewer1 xpos 307 ypos -316 } end_group Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Stencil3 xpos 553 ypos 2560 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 100 name ColorCorrect3 xpos 553 ypos 2586 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } ColorCorrect { name ColorCorrect25 xpos 553 ypos 2602 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Dot { name Dot40 xpos 587 ypos 2628 } set Ndbb69c0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot8 xpos 1028 ypos 2663 } push $Ncf96c50 Transform { scale -1 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform13 xpos 554 ypos 1822 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontalMirror]"}} } Blur { size {{input.width} 0} name Blur20 label "\[value size]" xpos 554 ypos 1848 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontalMirror]"}} } Blur { size {0 20} mix 0.87 name Blur21 xpos 554 ypos 1900 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontalMirror]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect26 xpos 554 ypos 1934 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontalMirror]"}} } Dot { name Dot41 xpos 588 ypos 1988 } set Ndc031d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot7 xpos 1085 ypos 2039 } push $Ncf920c0 Blur { size {{input.width} 0} name Blur28 label "\[value size]" xpos 554 ypos 1467 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontal]"}} } Blur { size {0 10} mix 0.79 name Blur29 xpos 554 ypos 1523 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontal]"}} } ColorCorrect { saturation 1.1 gamma 1.08 gain 0.5 name ColorCorrect27 xpos 554 ypos 1557 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontal]"}} } Dot { name Dot42 xpos 588 ypos 1609 } set Ndc410d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot6 xpos 1030 ypos 1667 } push $Ncf8d490 Transform { scale {-1.8 1} center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform14 xpos 444 ypos 1098 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Blur { size {80 5} name Blur31 xpos 444 ypos 1124 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } push $Ncf88990 Transform { scale {-1.36 1} center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform16 xpos 444 ypos 1027 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Blur { size {50 5} name Blur32 xpos 444 ypos 1053 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } push $Ncf83e00 Transform { scale {-1 1} center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform15 xpos 444 ypos 932 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Blur { size {30 5} name Blur24 xpos 444 ypos 958 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } push 0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus19 xpos 554 ypos 964 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus mix 0.51 name Plus20 xpos 555 ypos 1058 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus mix 0.35 name Plus21 xpos 555 ypos 1129 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect28 xpos 555 ypos 1153 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Dot { name Dot43 xpos 589 ypos 1195 } set Ndce89d0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot5 xpos 1034 ypos 1280 } push $Ncf7f270 Transform { scale -1 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform9 xpos 378 ypos 448 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Blur { size 8.2 name Blur25 label "\[value size]" xpos 378 ypos 474 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Dot { name Dot54 xpos 412 ypos 569 } set Ndd0e010 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot101 xpos 412 ypos 658 } DirBlurWrapper { BlurLayer rgba BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength 56.3 name DirBlurWrapper3 xpos 444 ypos 648 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Blur { size 2.2 name Blur26 label "\[value size]" xpos 444 ypos 686 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } push $Ndd0e010 DirBlurWrapper { BlurLayer rgba BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength 56.3 name DirBlurWrapper4 xpos 446 ypos 559 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } push $Ncf7a6e0 Transform { scale -1 center {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} name Transform8 xpos 556 ypos 397 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Blur { size 8.2 name Blur27 label "\[value size]" xpos 556 ypos 449 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } DirBlurWrapper { BlurLayer rgba BlurCenter {{input.width/2} {input.height/2}} BlurLength 38.3 name DirBlurWrapper5 xpos 556 ypos 501 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name Copy6 xpos 556 ypos 559 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Copy { inputs 2 from0 to0 name Copy2 xpos 554 ypos 693 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect29 xpos 554 ypos 731 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Dot { name Dot103 xpos 588 ypos 755 } set Ndda4ac0 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot4 xpos 1028 ypos 828 } push $Ncf75990 Dot { name Dot105 xpos 515 ypos 4 } set Nddae210 [stack 0] Glint { repeat 6 length 120 aspect 1.31 oddlen 0.67 rotation 90 from_color {1 1 1 1} to_color {0 0 0 0} steps 10 effect_only true tolerance 0.76 gamma 1.29 mix 0.13 name Glint2 xpos 554 ypos -2 disable {{"\[value disable_glint]"}} } push $Nddae210 Dot { name Dot44 xpos 515 ypos 57 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation minus mix 0.89 name Merge20 xpos 554 ypos 53 disable {{"\[value parent.disable_glint]"}} } Blur { size 3.8 name Blur30 label "\[value size]" xpos 554 ypos 75 disable {{"\[value parent.disable_glint]"}} } ColorCorrect { gamma 0.82 gain 1.04 name ColorCorrect30 xpos 554 ypos 133 disable {{"\[value parent.disable_glint]"}} } Dot { name Dot45 xpos 588 ypos 157 } set Nddff310 [stack 0] Dot { name Dot3 xpos 1006 ypos 251 } Switch { inputs 10 which {{isolate}} name Switch4 xpos 1147 ypos 4818 } Dot { name Dot2 xpos 1032 ypos 5283 } Input { inputs 0 name Mask xpos 501 ypos 5221 number 1 } Radial { inputs 0 invert true area {0 {-root.format.width/2+root.format.height/2} {root.format.width x64 1920} {root.format.height/2+root.format.width/2 x64 1920}} name Radial3 xpos 588 ypos 5052 } Grade { channels rgba blackpoint 0.48 whitepoint 1.12 white 1.4 gamma 0.35 name Grade8 xpos 588 ypos 5078 } Blur { size {{input.width/2.5 x28 768}} name Blur1 xpos 588 ypos 5102 } push $Ncff4730 push $Nd0f1fd0 push $Nd1d21d0 push $Nd6b7310 push $Ndbb69c0 push $Ndc031d0 push $Ndc410d0 push $Ndce89d0 push $Ndda4ac0 push $Nddff310 push 0 Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus10 xpos 698 ypos 153 disable {{"\[value parent.disable_glint]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus11 xpos 698 ypos 752 disable {{"\[value disable_mirror1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus17 xpos 699 ypos 1192 disable {{"\[value disable_ghost1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus7 xpos 698 ypos 1606 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontal]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus12 xpos 698 ypos 1985 disable {{"\[value disable_horizontalMirror]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus13 xpos 698 ypos 2625 disable {{"\[value disable_ring1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus14 xpos 698 ypos 3236 disable {{"\[value disable_ring2]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus26 xpos 698 ypos 3875 disable {{"\[value disable_circle1]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus28 xpos 698 ypos 4553 disable {{"\[value disable_circle2]"}} } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation plus name Plus8 xpos 698 ypos 4986 disable {{"\[value disable_texture]"}} } ColorCorrect { inputs 1+1 gain 0.25 name ColorCorrect31 xpos 698 ypos 5107 } ColorCorrect { gain 0.1 name ColorCorrect1 xpos 698 ypos 5133 } ColorCorrect { gain {{parent.Gloabalmix}} name ColorCorrect5 xpos 698 ypos 5159 } Crop { box {0 0 {input.width} {input.height}} name Crop1 xpos 698 ypos 5185 } Merge2 { inputs 2 operation mask name Mask2 xpos 698 ypos 5221 disable {{"1-\[exists parent.input1]"}} } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.onlysee}} name Switch3 xpos 698 ypos 5283 } Switch { inputs 2 which {{parent.KeyPreview}} name Switch1 xpos 698 ypos 5345 } Output { name Output1 xpos 698 ypos 5391 } end_group